Finally I could saw the top plate and solder that to the bottom plate. One of the hardest parts was sawing properly. I ended up sawing a connecting line to the stars, and then had to saw the ring hole. Very difficult to not saw too much and vise versa. Once I had a rough sawing finished, I could solder my second plate on. This time it was a bit easer, as I used easy solder, and I used what I had learned with the first plate, making it much more successful. practice makes perfect. or in this case, less painfully tedious.
Before I soldered for a second time however, I took the time I didnt have access to a saw blade to do some salt etching, one of my favorite effects. I tried to make a swirling pattern, somewhat like an abstracted version of the sky, and I wanted it to be more busy, as the front and back plates are both rather simple. This turned out well I think.
You can see the finished soldering and salt etched sides.
But dont forget a sample! Still a noob as metal, so of course I make mistakes, like cutting the plastic wrong. sigh.
Once I had the pieces all sawed to my satisfaction, it was filing filing filing. And then some more filing. After what seemed like hours of filing, I was almost done. It was a bit tricky to get smooth, seamless corners and still keep my etched texture on the brass sides.
From here I went crazy with the patina, trying to get a dark sky affect. I also tried to get a gradient affect, for which I sanded lightly.
Aries Constellation. I am an aries.
Here you can see the etching better. I copper plated the inner grooves of the brass with the pickle liquid, and then used the patina on that to make it dark and give it contrast. Still thinking maybe I want to paint it bluish, not sure.
Opposite side. This is the big dipper, one we all recognize. For the stars, I had already tapped in the designs, but I used a tiny file and a dapper to scratch away some of the patina, to make the stars brighter.
Here is the finished piece, worn as it would be. Fits my finger perfectly, yay.
Quite the project, but this one took the least time of all the others, probubly because I at least somewhat knew what I was doing now. I used almost all the techniques we used, and even got half-way good at soldering (but I still hate it).
all of my sketches and planning for this project;
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